20 Questions: Janaye Duke
What should everyone try at least
once in their life?
Well, I think that everyone should try to
do what they love in life. I don’t believe that people try to live a life where
they can do what they love and be successful at it. So really, do what you love!
What brings you the greatest
I would have to say seeing the expression
of happiness from my clients at the end of each piece. That expression alone
brings me the greatest sense of satisfaction.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received
and from whom?
The best advice that I’ve ever received
would undoubtedly be to do what you love, as in number one. I mean...I
understand that in life we have to find a way to survive and I wouldn’t say to
do what you love whether it makes money or not, however, if you can find a way
to do what you love and make a living out of doing that definitely go for it!
My mom told me that.
What's at the top of your
bucket list?
Ok... I’m a very fun and wild type of a
person so I definitely, one day, would want to bungee jump. I’d love to try
that! Umm, secondly, I’d love to travel the world. I’m twenty-two years of age
and I haven’t yet left my country, Trinidad and Tobago, so travelling is
something I am absolutely interested it. Also, one day, I would loveeee to see
my pieces being worn on the red carpet.
What are the top three things on your
perennial to-do list?
Right now, to see my pieces being worn on
the red carpet. I think this question is basically a reflection of the last

Who is your biggest hero?
My biggest hero...thus far...will have to
be my netball coach Ms. Leslie-Ann Homer. I mean, you have to know the
individual, but for one person she does so much and has changed so many lives
in a positive way.She is just a strong person both mentally and physically.
What is your biggest indulgence?
I love food! So if I had to name my biggest
indulgence it would have to be food. My favourite food though would have to be
the Humzinga pasta most definitely. You should try it haha. I can’t make it
though but you should definitely check it out.
What quote do you live by?
My quote, being my quote that I came up
with, would have to be the two p’s. The reason I am where I am today would have
to be through practice and patience. You can never say at the end of the day,
“I reach,” you must always want to grow, not only to help others but to also
help yourself. In order to reach that space of constant growth you need to
practice therefore making it very important. However, in this field you need to
have patience as well because there are times where you are going to make
mistakes, I mean, there will always be mistakes happening so patience is also
very important. So more or less those are the two p’s I live by, practice and
What is the best gift you’ve ever
Well, as I said, I’m a very fun person so I
love stuffed animals, I love a lot of things but I loveeee stuffed animals.
Knowing this, my brother gave me a human-sized teddy bear lol. Its big and
brown and up to this day, being the size I am now, its still bigger than me!
Also, I’d have to say my gift from God which is the skill I have today would
have to be the best gifts I’ve received.
What would be the one thing people would
be surprised to know about you?
Only my customers/clients would know that,
from the very beginning and even up to now, I sew on the ground. Yes I do! How
do I do that? I started off about three years ago with my aunt’s sewing machine
and, well, she did not have a sewing station or anything like that, so...I sat
in a corner and began sewing my own pieces. As time passed and I got my own
place I still continued to sew on the ground. I was offered my own set from
someone but I declined. Why? Because every artist has their own comfort or “their
own thing” as people would say and for me, that is, sewing on the ground...a
nice clean ground of course haha.
What is one thing you wish you knew when
you were younger?
That will have to be the value of money.
Parents try to teach you the value of money and they tell you to save but as a
child you tend to spend, you see things that you like and you spend what cash
you have on these things. So when I was younger that’s what I did. Now that I’m
older I wish that I saved more because that would have helped me out in buying
equipment and furthering my business.
What inspires you/your craft?
Well... the reason why I started goes back
to the value of money. If you’re like me and you love fashion, you love design,
you love dressing up and looking good and ultimately feeling good you’d know
that it is costly. So I said to myself, “You know what?... I’d save a dollar,”
and I started making my own clothing. So doing my own thing and making my own
clothing, among other things, allows me to save while still looking good.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years...in five years I’d love to
be settled in my own space meaning my own studio. Right now I do have a space
but it doesn’t feel like mine. So yeah, I’d love to see myself there in five
years, settled and watching my business grow.
What would you say to your past self?
I would definitely say to do...not exactly
what you did...but I am comfortable with the person I was and the person that
I’ve grown to be. So to my past self I’d say good job lol.
What do you do with your spare time?
Huh? Haha. That’s if I have any! In this
field you don’t really get spare time. I’m an on-the-go type of person. I have
my regular eight to four, I do sewing and designing when I get home, which is
what I love, so if I get spare time out of that I try to do something physical
in terms of sport. I love netball and crossfit. However, other than that...if I
do get spare time... I don’t know... I’d TRY to sleep haha.
If you could, what’s one thing you would
change about the world?
If I could, I would like to change the
world’s appearance. I mean the world is a big place and everyone is entitled to
their own look, but I would love to see a brighter, more colourful and radiant
world. I know that there is radiance that out here but I’d love to see more of
Go-to song and movie?
My go-to movie would have to be Transporter
1, 2 and 3. I love action and thriller type movies. Go-to song...I love music
so I can’t pick a particular song.
What social change do you hope to see?
I’d like to see us, as humans, uplifting
each other more. I think that socially, persons use things to bring down each
other as opposed to boost and uplift. So I’d love to see persons use media and
other platforms to have a more positive impact and output.
How was the TVISUAL experience?
It was fun...it was great! The crew was
amazing, they had me laughing from top till bottom, even right now. If they’d
have me back I’d love to have the opportunity again. I’d definitely spread the
word. I really can’t describe it in any negative way.
Who should we highlight next?
Everyone! Haha. Everyone with a talent I
think should be highlighted!
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